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CRANTRACT D Tablet includes an active ingredient known as D-mannose and Cranberry extract. The natural ingredients are a great alternative or a complement to antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs). Cranberry extract comes from the cranberry plant and is renowned for its potential advantages in preventing UTIs. It is a source of proanthocyanidins that can help to prevent bacteria, including E. coli, from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract. This could reduce the chance of UTIs. D-mannose is a naturally occurring sugar with a similar structure to glucose.
You should avoid the supplements if you’re allergic to cranberries or other related fruits. The extract of cranberries contains a small amount of oxalates. These could be responsible for the development of stone kidneys in susceptible people if they’ve had a history of kidney stones or are predisposed to their formation. In this case, you should be careful and consult your doctor before taking supplements with Crantract D Tablet. The safety and effectiveness of the supplement in children have yet to be thoroughly studied. Therefore, speaking with a podiatric health professional before giving these supplements to children is suggested.

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