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Zoonovac V Injection is composed of a Purified Vero Cell Rabies vaccine designed to stop and treat rabies before and after contact with the virus. The vaccine is produced by generating the rabies virus inside these cells and cleaning them to eliminate undesirable substances. The virus that is purified is then removed, which means it will no longer cause disease, but it can trigger it to trigger an immune reaction. The pre-exposure vaccination is recommended for people who travel, those who work in high-risk professions, and children who reside in areas prone to rabies. Post-exposure prophylaxis is the immediate wound care and vaccination. The vaccine is derived using the Pitman-Moore strain, part of the Rabies virus grown within Vero cells.
The rabies virus is a severe progressive illness caused by rabies that belongs to the family. The virus is transmitted through the saliva of animals infected after a scratch or bite. While this infection is 100 100% fatal, it is entirely preventable by taking prompt steps and proper application of available vaccines, either immunoglobulins or monoclonal antibodies. Anyone hypersensitive to Zoonovac V Injection or its components should not be given the vaccine. If someone is experiencing moderate or severe illness, deferring vaccination until they are fully recovered could be beneficial. But a mild disease, like the common cold, will not hinder immunization.